Be a problem solver not a problem finder.
You will never run out of problems to find.
We know how exhausting it is to be subjected to the one way street of non-interaction that is a personal website. Like, here e- is shouting its' thoughts and feelings at you and never asking how you're doing. e- wishes it could. All this crap it's put so many hours into doesn't mean a thing. It's all e-, e-, e-. If it could just shut up and listen, if e- could help you feel less alone, that'd be more valuable than all the stuff it's made combined. But if you did meet,
e- would be awkward and you'd be uncomfortable and it'd all go wrong.
This art thing, its the only language e- can speak. In this most broken of ways,
it's trying to have a conversation with you.
Nihilism is always more lucrative than denialism.
New things include: a TV, a window, a glitch, a dream.
Never make art for a living.
Live for a living, make art for the enjoyment of it.
You haven't truly lived until you've had an open mic audience yell at you to go away.
It only feels safe when it's being abused.
The dreams are glimpses of the truth, no wonder they scare you.
e- passed a homeless man with hairy legs who said “you look gorgeous!”
It was the first time e- had heard that in its entire life.
e- tried to cry and tried not to cry simultaneously all afternoon.
Convolvulus, commonly known as bindweed, is nearly impossible to get out of an amateurs garden. Attempting to dig up their root networks gives one a profound feeling of grim commradship with whomever came up with the title convolvulus. You can pull the weeds on the surface for a day, or a month, but the roots are just where they’ve always been.
Beware the convolvulus of your mind.
The site is now completely unresponsive to different browser types!
A quick word on that:
Put simply, making web pages is fun, making them responsive is exceedingly dull. If there is one thing this place has no interest in being, it’s widely accessible. So until e- is better at coding and/or more worried about what other people think,
use those cntrl + - keys until everything fits.
Just about everything is different. Again.
Really there's only an updates page because it fills up space. It’s a very funny feeling to put so much time into something that no one knows about. That’s why e- talks to itself. ‘Well done e-! you really did spend a lot of time on something there
let’s write a record of it to try and make it feel worthwhile!’
…or something like that.
Complete overhall pending...
Website status is hypothetically operational! All the important bits are meeting the bare minimum of functionality as far as we’re aware.